Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Life Of Bryan Adams Essay Example For Students
The Life Of Bryan Adams Essay Bryan Adams was born in Kingston, Ontario on November 5,1959. The son of a Canadian diplomat, he admits that moving with his parents throughout Europe and the Middle east, attending British and American schools has made him tough. At age fourteen he was living in Vancouver, playing guitar and growing disillusioned with the slackness of North American schools. His report card read: Bryan is a very attentive student when he attends. But, he had discovered Rock n Roll and there was no turning back 1976: At 16, Bryan joins a band and goes on the road across Canada. 1977: Adams meets drummer Jim Vallance, and the two begin collaborating as songwriters. Their material is soon being covered by many artists. We will write a custom essay on The Life Of Bryan Adams specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 1979:A;M Canada hears some Adams demos, including the song Let me take you dancing and signs him to a recording contract. Dec 1979:Bryan signs with manager Bruce Allen of Loverboy and Bachman Turner Overdrive success. Feb 1980: Bryan Adams, his first solo LP, is recorded in Toronto on A;M Records. Adams does a club and college tour across Canada for four solid months. Spring 1981:Bryan records 2nd album in New York with engineer, Bob Clearmountain (Stones, Roxy Music, Bruce Springsteen). June 1981:Second album released ; first idea for a title is Bryan Adams Hasnt Heard Of You Either,before settling on You Want It, You Got It. Produced by Adams and Clearmountain, the album includes four successful singles Lonely nights, Coming home,one good reason and Fits ya good. Sept 1981:First ground-breaking U.S. dates include Detroit, St. Louis, Kansas City ; Dallas. Oct 1981:Western Canadian tour starts. Jan- May 1982:Bryan spends months on the road, opening for the Kinks and Foreigner and perfects material for his next album. Introduces himself to Kinks guitarist, Dave Davies, who thinks that Adams is a roadie. Aug 1982:Recording begins on his third album at Vancouvers Little Mountain Sound Studios. Oct 1982:Bryan performs with Jim Vallance on drums at the Yamaha Music Festival in Japan. Dec 1982:New Years Eve, Bryan Adams and Loverboy rock the Los Angeles Forum in California. Jan 1983:The album, Cuts Like A Knife is released. Produced by Adams and Clearmountain, the first single is Straight from the heart. It reaches # 10 on the Billboard Singles Chart. The video for the second single, Cuts like a knife is shot in a Los Angeles swimming pool by Steve Barron. Music Express Magazines national popular opinion poll votes him Canadas top male vocalist for 1982. Jan- Feb 1983:Bryan tours through Eastern and Central Canada. Mar 1983:Bryan hits the road in America, opening for Journey and performing over 100 dates in five months. Bryan is featured on American Bandstand!Apr 1983:A breather in the schedule is used to shoot a video for the third single, This Time at Edwards Air Force base in California. The video is directed by Steve Barron with cinematography by Lazlo Kovacs. May 1983:He briefly interrupts the Journey tour to headline The Bottom Line club in New York City. In the audience are Mick Jagger, Nils Lofgren, Rick Nielson (Cheap Trick), Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley (Kiss) and John McEnroe. Paul Dean(Loverboy), John Waite and Rick Derringer join him on stage. June 1983:Cuts Like A Knife becomes Bryans first U.S. gold album. The second single reaches #15 on Billboard. Aug 1983:The Journey/Adams tour winds down. Sept 1983:Cuts Like A Knife goes platinum in the U.S., passing the one million mark in sales and entering the Billboard Top 10. The third single This Time reaches #24. Bryan plays with Supertramp to 30,000 Vancouver fans at the new B.C. Place domed stadium. he performs in eleven countries on a six-week solo tour of Europe. While in Germany, he tapes the popular rock TV show, Rockpalast. Nov 1983:Bryan tours Japan. By years end, hes been on the road 283 days. AM releases the movie soundtrack album for A Night In Heaven, featuring the song Heaven. This becomes a top 10 AOR airplay hit. He headlines a SOR tour of Western Canada. Dec 1983:Bryans numerous music industry awards for the year include Best Selling New Artist (The National Association of Record Merchandisers), #2 Male AOR Artist (The Album Network) and #3 most played AOR Album (Radio Records), as well as the Juno Award for Top Male Vocalist. Jan 1984:Adams and Vallance start writing for the upcoming album. Feb 1984:Adams tours Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii with the Police. Mar 1984:Recording for Reckless begins in Vancouver, B.C. June 1984:Unhappy with the project, he takes an unexpected month off. Aug 1984:While on tour and performing in Vancouver one night , Tina Turner joins Bryan in studio to cut a duet of Its Only Love. He returns to the studio refreshed with more new songs and re-records some tracks with new drummer Pat Steward. Sept 1984:The Capital Records soundtrack for the movie Teachers includes two Adams/Vallance songs, performed by 38 Special (Teacher Teacher) and Joe Cocker (Edge of a dream) heads to the Top 10. Oct 1984:The single Run To You is released and the video is shot in England and Los Angeles. Bryan gives a free concert in Vancouver to log footage for the rest of the video package. A 6:00 am ticket giveaway draws an overwhelming number of fans, causes a huge downtown traffic jam and a near riot. Bryan and manager Bruce Allen buy pizzas and coffee for the thousands camped overnight at the ticket centre. Nov 1984:Reckless is released by AM Records on November 5th, Bryans birthday. The fourth album again produced by Adams and Clearmountain includes Heaven, Its Only Love and the energetic Kids Wanna Rock. Reckless is simultaneously released as an album, chrome cassette, compact disc and a 30- minute home video package; directed by Steve Barron. Songs on the video include Run To You,Somebody, Heaven, Kids Wanna Rock,Summer Of 69, along with an unedited version of This Time. He embarks on a ten day press tour of Europe which includes an appearance on Germanys Rock Pop In Concert with an audience of 20 million viewers. Dec 1984:Adams and his band: Keith Scott (guitar), Dave Taylor (bass), Pat Steward (drums) and Johnny Blitz (keyboards) play select dates the last week of the year in Chicago, Detroit, New York and Philadelphia. The new year begins with Adams guest starring on MTVs New Years Eve Party Spectacular and sees him perform throughout the U.S., Australia, Japan, Europe and Canada. Bryan wins four Junos, including Best Male Vocalist, Album and Producer of the year for Cuts Like A Knife and shares the Composer of the Year Award with Vallance. Jan 1985:Bryan tours major cities across Canada then heads south through the American West Coast, culminating with two dates at the star- studded Paladium in Los Angeles. Feb 1985:The Mayor of Los Angeles proclaims February 1st Bryan Adams Day. Adams and Vallance co-write Tears Are Not Enough along with David Foster, and record the song in Toronto with Canadas top performers. All proceeds from the tune go to aid famine relief in Ethiopia. Bryan and the band head back to Europe for a fifty-city concert tour with Tina Turner, culminating in April with his return to London to headline three sold-out shows at the Hammersmith Odeon. Mar 1985:Bryan shoots a video for Heaven in London, England. May 1985:Bryan begins the first leg of his World Wide in 85 tour of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It lasts into October. June 1985:Bryan makes a near fatal attempt at skydiving in Memphis, Tennessee. He appeared later that week on Late Night With David Letterman. Heaven hits #1 in Billboard Magazine. July 1985:Bryan performs at the giant Live Aid Concert in Philadelphia on the 13th. He records the single Christmas Time before resuming his American tour. Aug 1985:Reckless hits #1 in the Top 100 albums chart as his U.S. tour was coming full circle. Sept 1985:Bryans homecoming shows in Vancouver sell out in record breaking time. The tour returns to the American East to play two sold-out concerts at Madison Square Garden in New York. Oct 1985:Attends the film premier of the movie Tears Are Not Enough and accepts the William Harold Moon Award from PRO Canada in Toronto. He records background vocal on Dont Forget Me for Glass Tiger. Nov 1985:Bryan makes a clean sweep of the Juno Awards, winning Best Album (Reckless), Male Vocalist and Composer of the year with Jim Vallance. Bryan returns to London to make a guest appearance in the video shoot for Roger Daltreys Let Me Down Easy, which Bryan and Jim co-wrote. Dec 1985:Bryan accepts the prestigious Diamond Award at a ceremony in Vancouver commemorating the sales of one million copies of Reckless across Canada. By years end, six singles from Reckless reached Top 10 status; a feat accomplished by only two other artists. Feb 1986:Bryan is nominated for two Grammy Awards. Writing and recording demos for a new album commences. May 1986:Bryan performs for the Prince and Princess of Wales at the Expo Opening Gala in Vancouver. Bryan and Jim write a song for Tina Turners new album, and Bryan produces two cuts for her in New York; the flies to London to record Back Where You Started with her. June 1986:Bryan performs at Amnesty Internationals Conspiracy of Hope tour. He also performs at the Princes Trust charity concerts at Wembley Stadium in London on the 20th. Aug 1986:Bryan and Bob Clearmountain begin recording of the fifth album at Cliffhanger Studios, Bryans home recording studio. Sept 1986:Bryan and Tina Turner win the MTV Award for Best Live Performance for Its Only Love. Bryan and Jim Vallance take top honors for Edge Of A Dream, Somebody and Summer of 69 at the 18th Annual PRO Canada Awards in Toronto. Nov 1986:Bryan once again accepts Male Vocalist of the Year at the Canadian Junos. He is also voted by the National Express Magazines reader poll as Top Male Vocalist for the fourth year in a row. .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .postImageUrl , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:hover , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:visited , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:active { border:0!important; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:active , .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2 .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u702a648be45f4b70be3ac45e09e17dd2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mixed Martial Arts Essay ThesisJan 1987:The new album titled, Into The Fire is mixed in England. Bryan does a live remote at the Tower Records in Piccadilly Square for KMEL Radio in San Francisco. Feb 1987: Bryan is awarded with the Bob Geldof Humanitarian Award for his work with Northern Lights, Amnesty and other charity projects. Bryan produces It Should Have Been Me for Carly Simon in New York. Bryan meets with Japanese radio and magazine press in Hawaii. Interviews include Music Life, Pop Gear and Rockin On. Mar 1987:Bryan embarks on a European Press Tour. Countries include England, Italy, Holland and Germany. The first album single, Heat Of The Night is released; the video is shot in Los Angeles, directed by Wayne Isham of The Company, followed by the releases of Into The Fire. He wins the International Achievement Award at the Tribute to West Coast Music in Vancouver. AM releases one of the first-ever cassingles with Heat Of The Night and Another Day as the B-side. April 1987:Rehearsals begin for the upcoming World Tour. A Japanese Satellite broadcast is simulcast from 86 Street Music Hall in Vancouver for Night Hit Studio and Bryan guests the first ever Vancouver based broadcast of Rockline. May 1987:Bryan kicks off the tour from Shreveport, Louisianna with his band of Keith Scott, Dave Taylor, Mickey Curry and Johnny Blitz. A live video performance is filmed in Lakeland, Florida for the second single, Hearts On Fire. June 1987:Bryan performs two shows at the Princes Trust charity concert at Wembley Stadium in London. He records a surprise gig at the 400 seat Marquee Club which sees over 1500 fans line the streets of London. The tour resumes in the U.S. and Bryan appears on the David Letterman Show. Sells out two nights at Madison Square Garden in New York and is visited backstage by Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Canadian hockey star, Wayne Gretsky comes to hang out with Bryan backstage at his sold out show in Toronto, Ontario. July 1987:Into The Fire is certified platinum in the U.S. He does an exclusive interview with Londons Q Magazine. Bryan hosts winners of a radio contest aboard a cruise ship prior to the Duluth, Minnesota show. He wraps up the last of the three Canadian dates in Ottawa, Ontario the nations capital on July 1st to commemorate Canada Day. Bryan mixes the London Marquee show in New York out of which comes a recording of Chuck Berrys Run Rudolph Run to be released on AM Records A Very Special Christmas Album. He appears on Good Morning America and The Today show. Aug 1987:The tour continues through the Western United States . Despite a heavy concert schedule, Bryan shoots a video on the 14th for his third single, Victim Of Love in Los Angeles which is directed by Dominic Sena of Propaganda Films. Sept 1987:The U.S. leg of the World Tour is completed in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Bryan performs at the MTV Awards show on the 11th and Top Of The Pops American Premier on the 16th. Oct 1987:Bryan and the band head to Paris, France to do pre-tour press. The first UK date begins on the 13th in Newcastle, England with special guests, TPau. Sells out four nights at Wembley Arena in London. Dave Edmunds joins Bryan on stage for the final show. Nov 1987:As the European tour continues, Bryan wins two Juno Awards on the 2nd. One is for Male Vocalist Of The Year, the other Entertainer Of The Year a first time category and an honor for Bryan as the votes come directly from the public. Reckless achieves gold status in Sweden and Into The Fire reaches gold in Switzerland. Dec 1987:The European leg of Into The Fire finishes in Dublin, Ireland. Having performed in a dozen countries in less than ten weeks time, the tour has been a complete success with almost every show sold out. The band is home in time for Christmas. A Very Special Christmas Album is released in aid of Special Olympics. Jan 1988:Bryan and the band are once again on the road. Beginning in Alaska on the 22nd, then heads to Japan to play 10 sold out concerts 5 of which are at Tokyos Budokan. Bryan is presented with yet another platinum award for 100,000 copies of Into The Fire in Japan. Feb 1988:Japanese tour is completed. Bryan performs a special show at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta on the 20th for athletes and dignitaries of the games. Mar/Apr 1988:Bryan and Jim begin writing on the sixth album. Bryan was once again honored with awards for Male Vocalist and Single Of The Year for Victim Of Love at the Rock Express Music Awards in Toronto. May 1988:Tommy Mandel joins the Adams band as new keyboardist. A last-minute hometown gig is scheduled for 86 Street Music Hall on the 24th and tickets sell out within 7 minutes of going on sale. Jon Bon Jovi joins in on stage. Bryan donates entire proceeds to Leukemia research at a presentation at B.C.s Childrens Hospital. Bryan returns to Europe for another 2 months of touring. Never before dates include Isreal, East Germany and Belgium. Bryan becomes the fastest North American artist ever to sell out in Greece. June 1988:Sets attendance records in Portugal and all three shows are SRO in Isreal. Bryan performs in front of 120,000 fans in East Berlin; three days later he plays West Berlin. Bryan participates in Freedomfest to honor Nelson Mandela at Wembley Stadium in London to more than 70,000 fans. He wins Crystal Award from PRO Canada to commemorate radio airplay of over 100,000 times for Straight From The Heart. Bryan donates song, Remembrance Day to a government-sponsored video in honor of the Victory Cross medal awarded during wartime. July 1988:The final leg of the Into The Fire tour is now completed, wrapping up in Locarno, Switzerland; Bryan returns to London for 10 days of album production before returning home. Aug 1988:Bryan meets with environmental group , Greenpeace in the Vancouver harbour to help promote anti-nuclear campaign. Producer, Steve Lillywhite arrives in Vancouver. Lillywhite is famed for his production with U2, Talking Heads, Rolling Stones The Pretenders. Recording for the next album begins and anticipated release date is April 1989. Sept/Oct 1988:Bryan isnt completely satisfied with 4 of the 8 tunes recorded, so he resumes writing more album material. This unexpected turn of events pushes projected album release to Fall 89. Nov 1988:Bryan makes acting appearance in the Clint Eastwood film, Pink Cadillac. Filming takes place in Reno, Nevada. Bryan records back up vocals for Charlie Sextons song, Dont Look Back in his home studio. The Canadian Department of National Defense releases Remembrance Day video to thousands of schools across the country. Dec 1988:Bryan joins Joe Cocker in New York to record the Adams/Vallance tune, When The Night Comes for Joes upcoming lp. Jan 1989:Bryan receives Juno nomination for Canadian Entertainer Of The Year which takes place in March. A first-ever one hour television special Bryan Adams: Live in Belgium is aired across the country, which was filmed in Werchter, July 88. Bryan writes letters to both of Vancouvers daily newspapers disproving of the demolition of one of the cities older landmarks The Georgia Medical Building. This signifies the beginning of Bryans heritage and environmentally conscious campaign. Feb 1989:Bryan flies to Los Angeles A;M Recording Studios to add guitar tracks to yet another Adams/Vallance tune, Drive All Night for Hall Of Fame inductee, Dion. Mar 1989:Bryans song Somebody is included on the two record set, Rainbow Warriors: the exclusive Russian release by the environmental group, Greenpeace. Apr 1989:Bryan and Keith fly to Moscow to perform live on the satellite televised World Music Video Awards. Accompanied by a Soviet back-up band, they perform Kids wanna Rock to an estimated 750 million viewers. Bryan contributes backing vocals on a new Motley Crue track titled Sticky Sweet with fellow rockers Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Jack Blades (Night Ranger) and Vince Neil at Vancouvers Little Mountain Sound. May 1989:Bryan presents a cheque on behalf of Northern Lights For Africa from album sales to Mayor Campbell in Vancouver for Mayors Walk For Famine Relief. Appears in Joe Cockers video, When The Night Comes. June 1989:Teams up with famed producer/composer Mutt Lange (The Cars, Def Leppard) at Londons Olympic Studios to write more material for the upcoming lp. Bryan attends a press conference on the 8th to launch the North American release of Rainbow Warriors. Also joins world renown artists to re-record the classic Deep Purple hit, Smoke On The Water in aid of Armenian earthquake victims. July 1989:Returns to Vancouvers Little Mountain Sound to record more songs for the lp with Bob Clearmountain. Bryan and Keith attend the David Foster celebrity softball tournament banquet in Victoria, B.C. an annual fund raiser for kidney research. Aug 1989:Records back up vocals for Belinda Carlisles song, Whatever It Takes. Oct 1989:Bryan performs two benefit club concerts at 86 Street Music Hall in Vancouver on the 18th ; 19th. A Night For The Environment raised $ 40,000.00 for four local environmental groups. Bryan is nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Performance (music) for CBCs Live In Belgium television special. Nov 1989:Bryan flies to London, England on the 18th for press interviews for upcoming New Years shows in Japan. Resumes writing album material with Mutt Lange and attends Tina Turners 50th birthday party at Londons prestigious Reform Club. Dec 1989:A long awaited first-ever live lp is released in Japan. Titled Live Live Live, recordings are from the Live In Belgium performance. Bryan returns to the Little Mountain Sound Studios mid month to record yet more material for the upcoming album. Release date is tentatively projected for April 1990. Bryan and entourage head for Japan on the 27th. .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .postImageUrl , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:hover , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:visited , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:active { border:0!important; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:active , .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4 .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u218e49c0b0a49390be6592f5cd9824c4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Psychics On Tv EssayJan 1990:Bryan, along with Don Henley, Huey Lewis, Michael Monroe and Loudness kick off the 1990s with two New Years shows Dec. 31st ; Jan 1st at Japans 70,000 seat Tokyo Dome. He promptly heads back to the London studios for continued album production and optimistically anticipates a very busy new decade!Feb 1990:Bryan and Keith Scott fly to Los Angeles on the 21st to take part in Grammy Week Live a gathering of 15 top radio stations broadcasting live from the Roosevelt Hotel. On the 23rd, Bryan performed a special show at the AM Charlie Chapman sound stage for the Pollack Media Convention radio executives. Mar 1990:Bryan presents Album Of The Year to Alannah Myles at the Canadian Juno Awards in Toronto on the 18th. He adds vocal tracks as the voice of Hoodwink for an upcoming animated film titled The Ice Queens Mittens, which is later re-titled, The Real Story Of The Three Little Kittens. Apr 1990:Bryan returns to London and joins Eric Carmen in the studio to record backing vocals to the Adams-penned tune, Feels Like Forever for Erics upcoming lp. Bryans own project production continues with Mutt in England for the next two months. June 1990:Bryan is honored with the prestigious Order Of British Columbia Award at a ceremony in Victoria on the 21st . He headlines two European festivals in Midfyns ; Roskilde, Denmark, June 29th ; 30th. Other top performers include fellow Canadian, Jeff Healey, Little Feat and Bob Dylan. Bryan adds vocal tracks to the David Foster tune, River Of Love at his home studio in Vancouver. July 1990:Bryan takes part in the elaborate musical production of The Wall. The rock opera is staged by ex-Pink Floyd guitarist , Roger Waters at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, Germany- and is broadcast to over 30 countries in front of a live outdoor audience of 200,000 fans. Bryans rendition of Young Lust receives critical acclaim and quickly climbs Billboard AOR charts. Aug 1990:Bryan headlines Live At The Park- an outdoor festival in Calgary, Alberta on the 17th. Also on the bill are The Pursuit Of Happiness and Vancouvers Paul Laine. Attendance exceeds 27,000. Tour photographer, Andrew Catlin is in town for photo sessions with Bryan and the band for the upcoming album and Much Music interviews him for an Artist of the Decade special. On the international front, the 1985 lp, Reckless, and the single Summer Of 69 are climbing the charts in Holland to the #10 and #4 spots respectively. Sept 1990:Bryan sings the National Anthem to officially start Vancouvers first-ever Molson Indy Car Race held September 2nd. He receives the Humanitarian Of The Year Award by local Maple Ridge Hospital Foundation, but is unable to attend the awards gala on the 29th, as Bryan and band are en route to South America for a three day Freedom-fest. They perform at the huge 55,000 seat Estadio Chile in Santiago, Chile on the 28th, then head to Buenos Aries, Argentina the following day to perform alongside David Bowie and Mick Taylor at the Estadio Rio Plat. Local press hails his performance as a hard-hitting classic rock roll show. He has conquered a relatively unknown market. Oct 1990:In recognition of his achievements as a Canadian citizen, Bryan is honored with the Honor Of Canada Award at a ceremony in Ottawa, Ontario on the 24th. Nov 1990:The Canadian Recording Industry Association chooses Bryan as the Best Male Artist of the 80s. An Awards Gala ; Charity Dinner is held in Toronto on the 20th. Dec 1990:Recording continues in England throughout most of the month. Bryan returns home for the holidays with family ; friends. LIVE LIVE LIVE is certified gold in Japan, commemorating the sale of over 50,000 units. Jan 1991:He returns to London on the 6th to begin mixing with Mutt Lange. Anticipated release date for Waking Up The Neighbors is slated for late April. European festival dates with ZZ Top are announced for June. Feb/Mar 1991:Recording and mixing continues in London. The Law ( Paul Rodgers/ Kenney Jones) record Nature Of The Beast- a tune written by Adams and Lange. Bryan joins them in the studio to lend vocals and guitar tracks. Apr 1991:Bryan and Mutt Lange write and record (Everything I Do) I Do It For You for the movie soundtrack of Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. Bryan returns home for a break, and to take a brief ski holiday in Whistler a village retreat outside Vancouver. May 1991:Directed by Julien Temple, a video for the song is shot in Sheffield, England May 17th ; 18th. Rehearsals begin for the upcoming European Tour with ZZ Top. June 1991:Between June 3rd ; 6th, a video is shot for the first album single.Cant Stop This Thing We Started is directed by Kevin Godley (ex 10cc) at Pinewood Studios in London. On the 8th, Bryan kicks off the tour by headlining the Jubeck Festival in Germany. On the 17th, he performs a private show for service personnel recently returned from the Persian Gulf War at the Canadian Armed Forces Base in Baden, Germany. On the 12th, Everything I Do is released internationally days following the movie premier. The initial shipping of 385,000 copies to record outlets across the country was the largest single shipment in AM Records history. While the film registered 8th best debut weekend in film history, the single debuted at #1 in all radio formats from Rock to Contemporary Hit Radio. July 1991:By the first week of July, Everything I Do races to the #1 chart position in Ireland, followed shortly by England. It has become Bryans second #1 Billboard single, and first-ever #1 hit in the U.K. The Adams/ZZ Top Tour wraps up on the 6th at Milton Keynes in London. An amazing 70,000 fans are in attendance. On the 10th, Bryan and the band perform Everything I Do on Britains TOP OF THE POPS television program. Bryan remains in London for album completion. A firm release date is slated for late September. Aug 1991:Bryan meets with Japanese Press for POP GEAR and MUSIC LIFE magazines in London on the 5th. He returns to Vancouver and a concert is planned on the 10th in Revelstoke, B.C.- a small community on the B.C. Alberta border. Over 12,000 tickets are sold for the outdoor show. On the 19th, Bryan and the band return to London to shoot two more videos for the upcoming album. Thought Id Died And Gone To Heaven and All I Want Is You is filmed once again by Kevin Godley at Pinewood Studios. Cant Stop This Thing We Started is released internationally on August 27th climbing quickly on the singles chart. Meanwhile, still in London, Bryan met with European ; U.K. media people from dozens of magazine publications and television programs. Sept 1991:On the 1st, Bryan and band fly to Paris, France to tape two television shows; Tous A La Une and Stars 90. The boys return home in preparation for the pending album release. The long awaited album, Waking Up The Neighbors is released internationally on the 24th. The morning of the 23rd, doors of AB Sound in Vancouver open at 6:00 am for advance sales. Over 400 people crowd the store. Bryan and Keith make a surprise appearance to sign autographs for an hour. Album ENTERS the British charts at an incredible #11. Oct 1991:Bryan performs a Benefit Concert at Vancouvers 86 Street Music Hall on the 6th . Alongside Bryan Colin James, Chrissy Steele, Loverboy and Bill Henderson join together to raise over $ 50,000 for Brian MacLeod a local musician undergoing cancer treatment at a Houston medical clinic. On the 14th, Bryan appears on the nationally syndicated call-in radio program, ROCKLINE broadcast live from CFOX Radio Station in Vancouver. On the 24th, the World Tour kicks off in Belfast, Ireland. The entire tour is a complete sell-out and Bryan will perform in over 16 countries throughout the U.K. and Europe. He wins Smash Hit readers poll for Best Male Artist. Nov 1991:A video is shot for yet another single. There Will Never Be Another Tonight is filmed during the Sheffield, England shows on the 1st ; 2nd. The song is released as the third single on the 11th. Bryan takes London by storm performing three back-to-back shows at Wembley Arena. Celebrities attending include Roger Daltry, Paul Young, Belinda Carlisle and Chrissie Hynde. Slim Whitman joins Bryan on stage to sing his chart-topping hit, Rose Marie-which held the #1 position for twelve weeks in 1954. Backstage, Bryan is presented with a plaque from the British Guinness Book Of Records for the record-breaking 16 weeks at the #1 chart position with Everything I Do. An estimated 1500 fans pack the giant HMV Record Store at an autograph signing session on the 7th. That same evening, Bryan is interviewed live on Wogan Television and performs There Will Never Be Another Tonight. At Vancouvers West Coast Music Awards, manager Bruce Allen accepts on Bryans behalf, the International Achiev ement Award. Keith Scott also wins for Best Guitarist. Other honors include Best Male Vocalist 1991 by three German magazines: Popcorn, Bravo and Pop Rocky. On the 23rd, Bryan sweeps the Australian Music Awards-winning Most Popular International Male, Most Popular International Song and Most Popular International Album. Bryans acceptance was pre-taped from Europe two days earlier. Dec 1991:On the 9th, Bryan receives Billboard Magazines Hot 100 Single,Hot AC Single and #1 World Single Awards. Waking Up The Neighbors has sold more than 5.5 million copies. It has dominated charts in 10 countries, including 9 weeks and still counting at #1 in Canada. Everything I Do achieved #1 status in 19 countries with sales of over 8 million units.
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